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Zuikaku (Japanese Crane Bringing Happiness) was a Japanese aircraft carrier, the keel of which was laid in 1938, launched in November 1939, and commissioned in the Imperial Japanese Navy in September 1941. The ship was 257 meters long, 26 meters wide, and had a full displacement of 32,000 tons. The maximum speed of the aircraft carrier Zuikaku was around 34 knots, and its main armament was 84 on-board planes. Zuikaku - along with its twin ship Shokaku - was approved for construction as part of the "Zero 3" and "Zero 4 fleet expansion plans", which envisaged a significant enhancement of the offensive potential of the Japanese Navy. At the same time, the focus was primarily on the maximum speed of the new aircraft carrier and its strike force, while the armor - especially the flight deck - was treated secondarily, which negatively distinguished all Japanese carriers from the initial period of World War II from their counterparts in the British fleet. In World War II, Zuikaku took part in the attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. In January 1942, the deck planes from this turn participated in the attack on Rabaul, and a few months later fought in the Battle of the Coral Sea. In the meantime, he was withdrawn to a ship repair yard, which prevented him from taking part in the Battle of Midway (June 1942). In 1942, Zuikaku also fought in the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands where he was instrumental in the sinking of the American aircraft carrier USS Hornet. The Zuikaku was sunk by American on-board planes in October 1944 during the Battle of Leyte.Hyuga was a Japanese battleship laid under the keel in 1915, launched in January 1917, and commissioned in the Imperial Japanese Navy in April 1918. The ship was 219 meters long, 33.8 meters wide, and had a full displacement of 38,800 tons. The maximum speed of the battleship Hyuga was around 21-23 knots, and after upgrades it reached 25 knots. The main armament at the time of the launch was 12 356 mm guns in six turrets, two guns each, and the additional armament was mainly 20 140 mm guns. Hyuga was the second and last Ise-class battleship. During World War I, it was not subjected to major modernization, while in the years 1926-1928 and 1934-1936 it was subjected to major reconstructions. First of all, the armor was significantly strengthened, catapults for seaplanes and anti-aircraft artillery were added. The entire gym was also modernized. Despite this, Hyuga at the start of World War II was quite distinct from other Japanese or American battleships and was considered rather obsolete. Therefore, when Japan lost 4 aircraft carriers in the Battle of Midway, the decision was made to convert Huyga into a hybrid battleship-carrier ship. The reconstruction lasted from May to October 1943, but it turned out to be a completely wrong idea! After rebuilding, Hyuga fought in the Battle of Leyte. In July 1945 it was severely damaged at the base in Kure as a result of an attack by American on-board planes. The crew decided to self-sink the ship. After the war, Hyuga was scrapped in 1947.Ise was a Japanese battleship laid under the keel in 1915, launched in November 1916, and commissioned in the Imperial Japanese Navy in December 1917. The ship was 219 m long, 33.8 m wide, and had a full displacement of 38,800 tons. The maximum speed of battleship Ise was around 21-23 knots. The main armament at the time of the launch was 12 356 mm guns in six turrets, two guns each, and the additional armament was mainly 16 140 mm guns. Ise was the first battleship of the type with the same name, ie Ise. During World War I, it was not subjected to major modernization, while in the years 1921-1928 and 1934-1937 it was subjected to major reconstructions. First of all, the armor was significantly strengthened, catapults for seaplanes and anti-aircraft artillery were added. The entire gym was also modernized. From September 1942, Ise underwent another modernization, which made it a hybrid: battleship-aircraft carrier. Two aft cannon towers were disassembled in order to create a landing deck for the planes. The idea, however, turned out to be completely unsuccessful, and Ise was lost as a battleship, without becoming a real aircraft carrier by any means. During World War II, Ise fought in the area of the Aleutian Islands in May 1942, and in October took part in the Battle of Leyte, where it was damaged. In February 1945, it was again damaged at the base in Kure as a result of an attack by American on-board planes. In 1946, the ship was scrapped.
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