Note: Comany Mistercraft frequently changes, without any notice, the decals that come with the model, so they may differ from the photos and descriptions on our website. If you need a specific version, please let us know about that by entering the appropriate notice in the comments field when placing the order. German Fokker Dr. I triple-lobe fighter plane from the First World War. The work of Anthony Fokker and Reinhold Plat. The plane was a German response to the appearance of the British Sopwith Triplane fighter. The Fokker Dr.I was characterized by fantastic maneuverability, a very high rate of climb, and achieved a decisive advantage in wheel combat with biplane planes. However, it had a low top speed (165 km / h), which was partly also due to the use of a weak 110 HP engine. The first pre-production vehicles (marked with the symbol V.5) were tested by eminent German pilots: Werner Voss and Manfred von Richthofen, nicknamed the "Red Baron". It was the latter who made this model of aircraft famous, winning many victories on it. Serial Fokker Dr. I planes served at the front from October 1917. until the end of the war. A total of 320 units were produced. Technical data: Top speed: 165 km / h; climb speed 5.7 m / s, maximum ceiling 6095 m, armament: two 7.92 mm Spandau machine guns, firing through a propeller.
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