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Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, was born in April 1769 (he was therefore born in the same year as Napoleon) and died in September 1852. He was probably the best British officer during the wars with revolutionary France and Napoleon (1792-1815) and later Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1828-1830 and 1834. Arthur Wellesley attended the school in Eton in 1781-1784, and after graduating from this school - with poor results - he attended the French war academy in Angers in 1784-1786. A year later, in 1787, he joined the British army. Initially, he served in Ireland, but took part in activities in the Netherlands. In 1796 he was promoted to the rank of colonel. Later he served in India, where he took part in the siege in 1799 Seringapatam , and in 1803 - at the Battle of Assaya. After the campaign in India, he was directed to the Iberian, where he gained considerable and well-deserved fame, efficiently commanding British troops fighting in this area. He was also able to win victories over French troops, the most important of which was won in 1813 at Vitoria. It was also the Duke of Wellington who commanded the British forces at the Battle of Waterloo, where he was instrumental in the Allied victory over Napoleon. After the Napoleonic Wars ended, he devoted himself to political life to a large extent, being associated with the conservative party.Horatio Nelson was born in September 1758 and died in October 1805. He was arguably the best British naval commander in the history of the Royal Navy and that officer who is credited with the chief architect of British success at Trafalgar in 1805. He joined the Royal Navy at the age of 12. At that time, he took part in cruises to the East Indies and to Africa. In 1777 he was promoted to lieutenant, and in 1779 to commander. Interestingly, in 1787 he was transferred to the personnel reserve of the Royal Navy. In 1793 he commanded his first battleship. In the course of the fighting in 1793, he lost his right eye sight. He was famous for the battle at the Cape of St. Lawrence, when he contributed greatly to British victories using unconventional combat tactics and breaking the orders of his superiors. For this victory, he was elevated to the rank of Rear Admiral and decorated with the Order of the Baths. In 1797, as a result of wounds, his right arm had to be amputated. Despite his disability, he achieved a great victory over the French at the Battle of Abukir in 1798. This battle earned him a promotion to Rear Admiral. Later, he served in the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea, blocking French and Spanish forces in Toulon. On October 21, he led his forces to the decisive Battle of Trafalgar, which gave Britain complete domination of the seas and oceans throughout the remainder of the Napoleonic Wars. He died in that battle as a result of the gunshot. his body was transported with full honors to Great Britain and placed in the Cathedral of St. Paul, and in 1849 his column was erected in Trafalgar Square in London.
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