The Fokker T.IV was a Dutch seaplane from the interwar period and World War II in the high wing configuration, with a mixed structure, with a fixed float undercarriage. The drive was provided by two motors Wright Cyclone SR-1820-F2 with 750 hp each. The prototype flight took place in 1927. Serial production took place in two periods: 1927-1930 and 1936-1938. In total, about 30-35 machines of this type were built. The on-board armament consisted of three 7.92 mm Browning FN machine guns. The plane could also carry bombs or a torpedo weighing up to 900 kilograms. The Fokker T.IV was commissioned by the Dutch Navy as a reconnaissance and torpedo seaplane for service in the Dutch East Indies. Two versions of this aircraft were developed for the needs of the Dutch Navy. The first named T.IV was powered by two engines Lorraine-Dietrich W. with 445 HP each. However, in 1935 a modernized version (T.IVa) powered by engines was developed Wright Cyclone SR-1820-F2, which significantly improved the performance of the machine. Machines of this type were used in the Far East, primarily for patrolling sea and ocean basins and as ZOP (anti-submarine anti-submarine) aircraft. They took part in the battles against the Japanese invasion in 1942. All are assumed to be lost in combat. Several pieces of airplanes Fokker T.IV was also purchased by Portugal, which was their only foreign user.
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