Mary Rose was a 16th century English four-masted karaka. The vessel was probably built in the years 1509-1510, and its launch took place in 1511. Portsmouth in southern England is believed to have been her home base. Mary Rose was named after the sister of King Henry VIII of the Tudor dynasty and the rose that was symbolic of the Tudor dynasty. Most likely, the vessel was built as a ship from the beginning and probably never served as a merchant ship. In the 16th century, this was rather the exception. In 1512, Mary Rose took part in the fight against the French ship Marie la Cordielere and, despite the fact that she ran aground, the duel - with the support of other English ships - won. In the years 1528-1536 she was rebuilt, and her armament was significantly strengthened, making her one of the best-armed ships in Western Europe. In 1545, as a result of design errors and overload, the unit sank while making a sudden turn. In 1982, the shipwreck was excavated from the seabed. The remains of Mary Rose can be visited at the Portsmouth Maritime Museum.
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