In 1938, based on a specific request of the German army, BMW and Zundapp received the brief to start a co-joint development project able to guarantee the highest number of common components to optimize the maintenance activities and the spare parts logistic. The prototypes had been released on 1940 and the production started at the beginning of 1941. Its peculiar feature was to have the side-car wheel that was driven with an axle connected to the rear wheel of the motorcycle. These were fitted with a locking differential and selectable gear ratios to optimize the on-road / off-road performance. The twin-cylinder engine with a displacement of 750 cc was capable of delivering 26 HP. The BMW R75 was able to reach the max speed of 95 Km/h. It was widely used, proving its realiability and sturdiness, on all most important operating theaters and in all environmental conditions (from North Africa to Russia).
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Как купить
GERMAN MILITARY MOTORCYCLE WITH SIDE CAR (1/9) продается в 2 магазинах. Выберите подходящий Вам интернет-магазин и перейдите по ссылке «В магазин».
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