UPGRADED MOULDSThis medium cargo truck of the 5 ton category, is representative of today's generation of logisticalvehicles of the U.S. Forces. It entered service in the early eighties. The M-923 has an extremelysturdy structure and excellent off-road features, which are necessary to secure the flow of materialto the front line combat units. Based on this chassis many versions have been produced: wreckingtrucks, tank trucks, mobile maintenance and communication trucks. The A-1 version ischaracteristic because of its large off-road tires which have earned it the nick-name "big-foot".During its operational use, and in particular in the most recent military campaigns in which it wasemployed as Iraq and Afghanistan, the “Big Foot” has often been modified with the addition of“home made” protections to reduce the damages caused by the fire of light weapons. However, thepersonalization of the vehicles, made “on field” by the crews, were possible thanks to the excellentplatform offered by-M-923 trucks.
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U.S. ARMOURED GUN TRUCK (1/35) продается в 2 магазинах. Выберите подходящий Вам интернет-магазин и перейдите по ссылке «В магазин».
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